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character values sims 4

The Sims 4 Character Values Cheat: Ultimate Guide for Success

The journey of raising well-rounded sims in The Sims 4 can be quite challenging. With a multitude of aspects to consider in your sim’s development, it’s all too easy to overlook crucial elements that affect their growth. Thankfully, there’s a solution to guiding your sims in the right direction by using Character Values cheats.

In The Sims 4, especially for those with the Parenthood Game Pack, sims evolve and transform based on their experiences throughout different life stages.

One essential area to focus on is the Character Values during the Teen life stage, as reaching certain milestones can lead to bonus traits in the Young Adulthood stage that will stay with them for the rest of their lives.

These Character Values can either be positive or negative, and it’s up to the player to cultivate the desired values within their sims. This can be achieved through various in-game options or by utilizing Character Values cheats for a more straightforward approach.

Cheating: A Reflection Of Character

Utilizing cheats in video games may bring one’s character into question, especially within the gaming community. However, when playing single-player games, applying cheats can actually enhance a player’s experience without causing any harm to others. Consequently, using Character Values cheats in single-player games is considered acceptable as it allows gamers to fully enjoy their experience with a sense of freedom and customization.

Understanding Values in The Sims 4

sims values
Source: ign.com

The Range of Character Values

Unlike many other systems in The Sims 4, where there is a single threshold to unlock consequences, Character Values cover a spectrum with different results at each end. It’s crucial to comprehend how each value impacts your sim in the long run before using any Character Value cheats.

Character Value Spectrum

The Character Values, displayed as five distinct horseshoes with a red (bad) side and a green (good) side, can be found in the information panel of younger sims. Where your sim falls on this spectrum will significantly influence their personality and overall life.

Manners govern how your sim interacts with other sims and the environment. Sims with good manners clean up after themselves, display politeness, and avoid inappropriate behavior in front of others. They also receive a 50% boost in friendly relationships. Conversely, sims with bad manners are inconsiderate and often fail friendly interactions due to their poor manners. They even make the host Tense when visiting another sim’s home.

Emotional Control determines a sim’s ability to manage their emotions. Those with good emotional control quickly dissipate negative feelings by jogging, journaling, or listening to calming music. On the other hand, sims with poor emotional control are more likely to have emotional breakdowns and make other sims Tense during outbursts. They may also experience prolonged and intense negative emotions.

Responsibility measures a sim’s reliability in fulfilling duties, such as their job performance and school behavior. Responsible sims work hard by default and are less likely to come home feeling Tense. They also occasionally receive job performance boosts. Irresponsible sims who neglect chores, skip work or school, and ignore financial obligations tend to have negative experiences at work, resulting in unhappiness.

Empathy describes a sim’s ability to sympathize with and relate to others. Empathetic sims support others by sharing emotional burdens and dislike being mean to others. In contrast, sims with low empathy tend to patronize and doubt others’ negative feelings. They are also more likely to fail social interactions with sims experiencing negative emotions.

Conflict Resolution examines how well sims handle disagreements and their ability to mend conflicts. Sims with good conflict resolution skills can effectively resolve issues with others and mediate conflicts between other sims. They can quickly rekindle neglected relationships. Meanwhile, sims who struggle with conflict resolution are more concerned with being right than being kind and are generally terrible at apologizing.

To unlock traits associated with Character Values, sims must achieve 90% or higher on either end of the value spectrum when transitioning into a Young Adult. Character Value cheats can be used to position sims exactly where you want them on the spectrum, down to the very digit. It’s important to note that these cheats will not permanently set the value unless activated shortly before your sim’s transition from Teen to Young Adult and will continue to shift throughout their life.

Bypassing Character Value Development

sims command center

Quick Positive Trait Acquisition

To directly equip your sims with good traits, utilize the following cheats:

Good Trait Cheat
Proper Manners traits.equip_trait GoodManners
Emotional Stability traits.equip_trait EmotionalControl
Accountability traits.equip_trait LifeSkills_Responsible
Empathy traits.equip_trait Compassionate
Peacemaker traits.equip_trait Mediator

Easy Negative Trait Assignment

If you aim to create an unpleasant sim, apply these Character Values cheats:

Negative Trait Cheat
Impolite Behavior traits.equip_trait BadManners
Emotional Instability traits.equip_trait Uncontrolled
Carelessness traits.equip_trait Irresponsible
Cold-heartedness traits.equip_trait LifeSkills_Unfeeling
Disputatious traits.equip_trait Argumentative