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micro prints sims 4

The Sims 4: How to Collect All Microscope Prints – Expert Tips and Tricks

In The Sims 4, players have the opportunity to enhance their in-game homes with stunning artwork and paintings by mastering the painting skill. Apart from traditional painting that involves using canvases, Microscope Prints offer another intriguing way of crafting artistic pieces from scientific samples.

Gamers aim to collect a total of 12 Microscope Prints, which showcase various samples, such as fossils, plants, and crystals. These prints serve as a unique way for Sim scientists to celebrate their remarkable collections, adding a touch of scientific flair to their homes. Additionally, selling these prints can help Sims earn extra income and bolster their success in the game.

How to Collect All the Microscope Prints

prints in sims 4

To gather all Microscope Prints in The Sims 4, the first step is to acquire a microscope from the Buy Mode, costing $1,630. Although pricey, it’s a valuable investment if you plan to sell the prints later. Alternatively, Sims working as scientists can use the microscope at their workplace, but this makes the collecting process more time-consuming. Therefore, it’s recommended to buy one for home use.

Once you have a microscope, set your Sim to Focused mood to quickly boost the Logic Skill, necessary for analyzing samples and creating prints. Keep in mind that achieving different levels is required to produce various samples, such as Level 2 for plant samples, Level 5 for fossil samples, and Level 8 for crystal samples.

The 12 Microscope Prints to collect are:

  • Leaf Meat
  • Psychedelic Rock
  • Party In Pink
  • Hooplankton
  • The Drifter
  • Blemish Blossom
  • Trace Remains
  • Crystal Palace
  • Falling
  • Snow Fight
  • Rhapsody in Blue
  • Cell Block

To begin collecting samples, simply gather objects around your home, such as planting a garden in the backyard and harvesting plants and seeds for microscope analysis. Selling the excess harvest can also supplement your income without using cheats.

To analyze a plant sample, click on the microscope and choose the corresponding action. When finished, a notification will appear, indicating a Microscope Print was added to your inventory. These prints can be displayed anywhere in the house.

For crystal samples, look for shiny rocks to mine in your neighborhood. Overall, with dedication and effort, collecting Microscope Prints can be an enjoyable and rewarding process in The Sims 4.